
    1.     B. Li and Z. Lin, “Soft, Hard, and Hybrid Janus Structures: Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Applications”, World Scientific Publishing Company (Singapore), 2017 .

Book Chapters

    1.     B. Li, J. Iocozzia and Z. Lin, “Directing Convection to Pattern Thin Polymer Films: Coffee Rings” chapter in “Instability-Based Methods for Patterning Polymer Surfaces”, J. Rodriguez-Hernandez and C. Drummond., Springer Press, 2015

Journal Publications

    42.      B. Li, S. Li, A. Ellington, E. Anslyn and C.M. Schroeder, “Single Molecule Study of Charge Transport in Sequence-defined Redox Active Biomolecules”, (in preparation).

    41.      X. Ma, L. Yi, J. Li, J. Ma, W. Li, L. Wang, C. Liu, B. Li, D. Ning, W. Kang and C. Xue, "Engineering a self-assembled protein cage for targeted dual functionalization”, Nano Letters, 24, 9237 (2024). [PDF]

    40.      W. Kang, X. Ma, H. Zhang, J. Ma, C. Liu, J. Li, H. Guo, D. Wang, R. Wang, B. Li, and C. Xue, "Dynamic Metabolons Using Stimuli-Responsive Protein Cages”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146, 6686 (2024). [PDF]

    39.      W. Kang, X. Ma, C. Liu, S. Wang, Y. Zhou, C. Xue, Y. Xu and B. Li,* "Liquid-liquid Phase Separation (LLPS) in Synthetic Biosystems”, Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, 157, 100762 (2024). [PDF]

    38.      R. Dumont, J. Dowdell, J. Song, J. Li, S. Wang, W. Kang and B. Li,* "Control of Charge Transport in Electronically Active Systems towards Integrated Biomolecular Circuits (IbC)”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 11, 8302, (2023) (featured on the Cover of by Journal of Materials Chemistry B). [PDF]

    37.      R. Dumont, S. Thammisetty, and B. Li,* "The Dual Role Of “Coffee-Ring“ Effect In Colloidal Microchannel Formation”, Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, 2023, SMASIS2023-108891 (2023). [PDF]

    36.      W. Kang, X. Ma, D. Kakarla, H. Zhang, Y. Fang, B. Chen, K. Zhu, D. Zheng, Z. Wu, B. Li,* and C. Xue,* "Organizing Enzymes on Self‐Assembled Protein Cages for Cascade Reactions”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202214001 (2022). [PDF]

    35.      S. Li, H. Yu, J. Li, N. Angello, E. Jira, B. Li, M. Bruke, J. S. Moore and C.M. Schroeder, "Transition between Nonresonant and Resonant Charge Transport in Molecular Junctions”, Nano Letters, 21, 8340 (2021). [PDF]

    34.      S. Li, J. Li, H. Yu, S. Pudar, B. Li, J. Rodríguez-López, J. S. Moore and C.M. Schroeder, "Characterizing intermolecular interactions in redox-active pyridinium-based molecular junctions”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 1875, 114070 (2020). [PDF]

    33.      S. Li, H. Yu, K. Schwieter, K. Chen, B. Li, Y. Liu, J. S. Moore and C.M. Schroeder, "Charge Transport and Quantum Interference Effects in Oxazole-Terminated Conjugated Oligomers”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141, 16079 (2019). [PDF]

    32.      L.R. Valverde, B. Li, C.M. Schroeder and W.L. Wilson, "In situ photophysical characterization of π-conjugated oligopeptides assembled via continuous flow processing”, Langmuir, 35, 10947 (2019). [PDF]

    31.      C. Boucher-Jacobs, B. Li, C.M. Schroeder and D. Guironnet, " Solubility and activity of a phosphinosulfonate palladium catalyst in water with different surfactants”, Polymer Chemistry, 10, 1988 (2019). [PDF]

    30.      B. Li, H. Yu, E. C. Montoto, Y. Liu, S. Li, K. E. Schwieter, J. Rodriguez-Lopez, J. Moore and C. M. Schroeder, " Intrachain charge transport through conjugated donor-acceptor oligomers",ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 1,7, (2018). [PDF]

    29.      X. Li, B. Li, M. He, W. Wang, T. Wang, A. Wang, J. Yu, Z.L. Wang, S. W. Hong, M. Byun, S. Lin, H. Yu and Z. Lin, "A Convenient and Robust Route to Photoswitchable Hierarchical Liquid Crystal Polymer Stripes via Flow-Enabled Self-Assembly”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 4961 (2018). [PDF]

    28.      B. Li, B. Jiang, W. Han, M. He, X. Li, W. Wang, S.W. Hong, M. Byun, S. Lin and Z. Lin, " Harnessing Colloidal Crack Formation by Flow‐Enabled Self‐Assembly",Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56, 4554 (2017) (selected as Very Important Paper (VIP) paper and featured on the Cover of by Angewandte Chemie International Edition). [PDF]

    27.      M. He, B. Li, X. Cui, B. Jiang, Y. He, Y. Chen, D. O’Neil, P. Szymanski, M. A. El-sayed, J. Huang and Z. Lin, "Meniscus-assisted solution printing of large-grained perovskite films for high-efficiency solar cells", Nature Communications, 8, 16045 (2017). [PDF]

    26.      B. Li, L.R. Valverde, F. Zhang, Y. Zhou, S. Li, Y. Diao, W. L. Wilson and C. M. Schroeder, " Macroscopic alignment and assembly of π-conjugated oligopeptides using colloidal microchannels",ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 41586 (2017). [PDF]

    25.      Y. Zhou, B. Li, S. Li, H.A.M. Ardoña, W.L. Wilson, J.D. Tovar and C.M. Schroeder, "Concentration-Driven Assembly and Sol–Gel Transition of π-Conjugated Oligopeptides", ACS Central Science, 9, 986 (2017). [PDF]

    24.      B. Li, S. Li, Y. Zhou, H.A.M. Ardoña, L. R. Valverde, W. L. Wilson, J. D. Tovar and C. M. Schroeder, "Nonequilibrium self-assembly of π-conjugated oligopeptide in solution", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 3977 (2017). [PDF]

    23.      B. Jiang, Y. He, B. Li, S. Zhao, S. Wang, Y. B. He and Z. Lin, "Polymer‐Templated Formation of Polydopamine‐Coated SnO2 Nanocrystals: Anodes for Cyclable Lithium‐Ion Batteries", Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56, 1869 (2017) (selected as Very Important Paper (VIP) paper and featured on the Back Cover of by Angewandte Chemie International Edition). [PDF]

    22.      B. Jiang, C. Han, B. Li, Y. He and Z. Lin, "In-situ Crafting of ZnFe2O4 Nanoparticles Impregnated within Continuous Carbon Network as Advanced Anode Materials ",ACS Nano, 10, 2728 (2016).[PDF]

    21.      L. Li, B. Li, C. Zhang, C. Tuan, Z. Lin and C. P. Wong, " A facile and low-cost route to high-aspect-ratio microstructures on silicon via a judicious combination of flow-enabled self-assembly and metal-assisted chemical etching",Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4, 8953 (2016). [PDF]

    20.      L. Li, B. Li, Z. Lin and C. P. Wong, " A low-cost fabrication route for silicon microchannels and microgratings with flow-enabled polymer self-assembly patterning and wet etching",Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2015 IEEE 65th, 2149 (2016). [PDF]

    19.      B. Li, C. Zhang, B. Jiang, W. Han and Z. Lin, "Flow-enabled self-assembly of large-scale aligned nanowires", Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54, 4250 (2015) (selected as Very Important Paper (VIP) paper by Angewandte Chemie International Edition). [PDF]

    18.      B. Li, B. Jiang, H. Tang and Z. Lin, "Unconventional seed-mediated growth of ultrathin Au nanowires in aqueous solution",Chemical Science, 6, 6349 (2015). [PDF]

    17.      B. Jiang, X. Pang, B. Li and Z. Lin, "Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites via Placing Monodisperse Ferroelectric Nanocrystals in Direct and Permanent Contact with Ferroelectric Polymer",Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 11760 (2015). [PDF]

    16.      H. Tang, Y. He, B. Li, J. Jung, C. Zhang, X. Liu and Z. Lin, " Continuous crafting of uniform colloidal nanocrystals using an inert-gas-driven microflow reactor",Nanoscale, 7, 9731 (2015). [PDF]

    15.      X. Xin, B. Li, J. Jung, R. Biswas and Z. Lin, "Charge transfer at the semiconductor quantum dot/TiO2 interface in quantum dot-sensitized solar cells: ab initio simulation”, Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 32, 80 (2015). [PDF]

    14.      B. Li, W. Han, B. Jiang and Z. Lin, "Crafting threads of diblock copolymer micelles via flow-enabled self-assembly",ACS Nano, 8, 2936 (2014). [PDF]

    13.      B. Li, L. Fang and K.Sun, " Variance of particle size: another monitor to evaluate abrasive wear",Tribology Letters, 55, 465 (2014). [PDF]

    12.      C. Feng, X. Pang, Y. He, B. Li and Z. Lin, "Crafting unimolecular nanocapsules from photo-crosslinkable core-shell star-like block copolymer”, Chemistry of Materials. 26, 6058 (2014). [PDF]

    11.      J. Ren, Q. Zou, B. Li and Z. Lin, " High-speed atomic force microscope imaging: Adaptive multiloop mode”, Physical Review E, 90, 012405(2014). [PDF]

    10.      B. Li, W. Han, M. Byun, L. Zhu, Q. Zou and Z. Lin, "Macroscopic highly aligned DNA nanowires created by controlled evaporative self-assembly", ACS Nano, 7, 4326 (2013). [PDF]

    9.        W. Han, B. Li and Z. Lin, "Drying-mediated assembly of colloidal nanoparticles into large-scale microchannels",ACS Nano, 7, 6079 (2013). [PDF]

    8.        W. Han, M. He, M. Byun, B. Li and Z. Lin, "Large-scale hierarchically structured conjugated polymer assemblies with enhanced electrical conductivity",Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52, 2564 (2013) (selected as Very Important Paper (VIP) paper by Angewandte Chemie International Edition). [PDF]

    7.        M. Byun, W. Han, B. Li, X. Xin and Z. Lin, "An unconventional route to hierarchically ordered block copolymer on gradient patterned surface enabled by controlled evaporative self-assembly",Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 52, 1122(2013). [PDF]

    6.        W. Han, M. Byun, B. Li, X. Pang and Z. Lin,"A simple route to hierarchically assembled micelles and inorganic nanoparticles",Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 51, 12588 (2012). [PDF]

    5.        M. Byun, W. Han, B. Li, S. Hong, J. Cho, Q. Zou and Z. Lin, "Guided organization of λ-DNA into microring arrays from liquid capillary bridge", Small, 12, 1641 (2011).[PDF]

    4.        K. Sun, L, Fang, W. Yan, B. Li and Y. Wang, " Kinetics of surface nanocrystallization for hadfield steel in shot peening", Advanced Science Letters, 4, 1862 (2011).

    3.        K. Sun, B. Li, L. Fang and Q. Ye, "A novel rapid prototyping system for expandable polystyrene", Rapid Prototyping Journal, 17, 17 (2011). [PDF]

    2.        L. Fang, B. Li, J. Zhao and K. Sun, "Computer simulation of the two-body abrasion process modeling the particle as a paraboloid of revolution", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209, 6124 (2009). [PDF]

    1.         L. Fang, J. Zhao, B. Li and K. Sun, "Movement patterns of ellipsoidal particle in abrasive flow machining", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209, 6048 (2009). [PDF]


    1.     On-Chip Nanoscale Storage System Using Chimeric DNA
    U.S. Patent Application No. 16/593,450 (Filed October 4, 2019) Inventor(s): Olgica Milenkovic, Nagendra Athreya, Apratim Khandelwal, Jean-Pierre Leburton, Xiuling Li, Charles Schroeder, Kasra Tabatabaei, and Bo Li